Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) and partners unveiled Jonesboro Senior Village, the first certified green retirement gated community in Jackson Parish. DNA Workshop designed this project with a commitment to sustainability, community, and modern amenities. Jonesboro Senior Village is set to revolutionize senior living in the area.
Located at the heart of Jackson Parish, Jonesboro Senior Village, a 50-unit community development, is a testament to the dedication to enhancing the quality of life for senior citizens while fostering economic development and job creation.
LHC awarded $1 million through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC). “Jonesboro Senior Village is not just a retirement community, but it has the ability to bring a positive change in the community,” said LHC Executive Director Marjorianna Willman. “Ensuring the well-being of our seniors is a commitment that LHC shares with the developer and the community, we are creating security, comfort, and support so that our seniors can age in place. This retirement community will provide essential amenities and a safe place to call home.”